Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dinner Plans (433 Days to Go)

So today is a somewhat busy day.  I'm not sure why Jeff planned to have friends over for dinner two days after he had surgery, but that's what's up.

I'm starting off the afternoon teaching a knitting class at JoAnn's for what will be my record largest class thus far: four students.  So far they've all been one-on-one classes so I'm a little psyched to teach a class in which I actually don't make bad money.  After that I'll be making a mad dash to the Market District in order to pick up last second groceries for dinner and then it'll be time to head home and play sous chef to Jeff's head chef.  I'm still wondering what exactly he's got on the menu.

But I'm looking forward to dinner too.  It'll be the first time that I'll get to meet his friend Will and his girlfriend, Emily, and considering that Will is going to be a groomsman, I'm extremely glad that we're meeting now and not a  year from now.  I'm also a little nervous as I am meeting anyone for the first time in Jeff's life.  I always dread the fact that my lack of a filter will cause me to say something horribly offensive.  Take for instance, last Tuesday night while we were at Red Robin, a little kid (maybe three) tripped and fell right next to our table.  Immediately I start to laugh because that is our reaction to our two-year-old niece falling.  We have her completely convinced to laugh at falls instead of starting to wail.  Well, the little kid's slightly older sibling gives me a look that plainly stated, "WTF?" while Jeff rightfully slapped my hand.  Immediately I realized my faux pas and apologized to Jeff loud enough for the kids parents to hear that I had done it based on instinct because of our niece and forgot that not every family utilizes that method.  The parents quirked a small smile so at least they didn't want to kill me but the five-year-old was still giving me the WTF look the entire way out the door.

As you can see, there is no filter between my brain and my mouth.  I wish that was the worst of my social awkwardness but I know there have been far worse incidences.  Usually dropping the f-bomb in the vicinity of my FFIL while discussing my supervisor causes there to be some crickets chirping.  So here's me crossing my fingers that I can avoid any social awkwardness tonight.  Wish me luck!

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